Monday, January 28, 2013


We headed out to Tokyo today. We packed our backpacks for 2 nights because the ship left Yokohama today for Kobe. We will travel by land and join the ship on Jan. 30.

Surprisingly, free wifi is virtually nonexistent in Japan. And when you do find it, the signal is finicky. Maddening! So as soon as we walked from ship to port (where there, allegedly, is free wifi) we sat down and had a go at it. Fortunately, we had some success this time and were able to email and FaceBook! I'm embarrassed to say how relieved I was. This technology things seems to have a grip on my lifestyle.

We also obtained the help of the poor unsuspecting lady at the hospitality desk. Fortunately for all involved, her English was excellent. We made plans, changed plans, asked for directions, asked for recommendations, and changed plans again. By the end of the conversation, we were such good friends that she used her personal phone to make hotel reservations for us. Then I asked for directions again! I think the Japanese should all adopt the nickname "Accomodating-San".

We made good use of the subway system and got around Tokyo pretty well. Our first stop was to the Tsukiji Fish Market. Unfortunately, we spent too much time with our BFF-San at the hospitality desk that we missed the excitement of the seafood auction among top Tokyo restaurants. Defeated and hungry, we succumbed to finding a quick lunch and getting back on the subway. But as we shuffled down the street we took a left turn down a narrow street which led to a huge outdoor market! Vendors selling everything culinary from steam baskets to live octopus, kitchen knives, dried squid, tea, nori and even savory or sweet omelets on a stick! The Smith family was happy again!

A subway and taxi ride away, we arrived at Tokyo's own Sega Joypolis. A 3 story mega entertainment venue dedicated to virtual reality games. The boys drove racecars, hang gliders, jeeps, rafts and tore up the half pipe on skateboards. It was definitely a jolt to the senses!

Now, we are on the Bullet Train, Shinkansen. It is a high speed train which travels up to 200 km/hr. We are making our way to Kyoto and should be there in 2 hr. 15 mins. By standard train, it is a 5 hour journey!

Special shout out to my brother, Ruben! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! ; )


  1. Nice plan.I was thinking the same plan since Kobe is not too far. Way to go. I am so excited for all of you. I saw that bullet train on one of my googles for Tokyo and I was wishing that you will not miss that. What an experience for all of you. You are making up for the time of worriness. Keep exploring safely. I love you guys!!!

  2. Geez! You guys are all over the place! Exhausted yet?!! :P

  3. Amazing fun (and eats) in the land of the Rising Sun!

  4. Oh yeah, who's your pal in the first pic?

  5. Hey we knew about your college age son and daughter but what's up with the little guy in the first picture? Is there a 3rd Smith?
    What a journey.
    Hopefully the Seas moving forward will be kinder:-) enjoy your time on land and keep sending us updates.
    We pray for your safety every night at dinner!

  6. Thanks for sharing your adventures and pictures with us. Keep the updates coming please. Love hearing all about your travels. Be safe.

  7. Thanks for the birthday shout out all the way from Tokyo! Delicious words and pics!
