Friday, January 11, 2013

Crossing The Pacific - Day 2

A full day of orientation meetings...
No days of the week at sea, A & B days only and they alternate, 24 hr clock so no am or pm, health and safety, drink responsibly, don't take food out of the cafeteria, see the counselor if you are feeling lonely, be to class on time, condoms are available, zero tolerance for drug abuse, dock time for 10 points of bad behavior...etc.
Oh, to be in college again ; )

We did have a few meetings directed toward the Life Long Learners which were informative. Not only, was today to familiarize ourselves with ship policies, it was also the first day of sea leg practice.

It's pretty rough going. The sea is truly alive. They have barf bags strategically placed throughout the ship. I saw about 5 "incidences" so far and everyone is walking around like they are drunk. Swaying and falling from side to side. Glasses and dishes are crashing to the floor in the lounge and dining halls.

I tried out the elliptical in the morning and found I had to stare at the horizon to stay on my feet. If anything, I should have much improved balance after this voyage which should then help my split step in tennis! ; )

The activity fair was later in the day. Chris and I signed up to volunteer with One Earth (Catlin's company) to help promote their solar product at each port. More later on that. Very exciting!

We sat with Chrissy, another LLL who sailed with SAS a semester after Chris. She has 7 siblings, 3 of which also did SAS including their mother when she turned 75 years! She and Chris had so much to talk about and shared stories of their voyages. What impressed me most was the vivid memories they both had of their semesters with SAS. When I look back at my semesters in college I remember them being fun but have trouble sometimes distinguishing one from another. And my memories are far less detailed than theirs. Makes me hope all the more that our boys will choose to do something extraordinary as often as they can.


  1. Wow! so you can sleep anytime if you are not doing anything. Do the boys have enough entertainment? That is a nice company to volunteer to. Can you imagine if I was in that voyage? I would have used up all the barf bag and maybe I hae an IV fluid alresdy. Be safe and it sounds like this is a good choice. Hugs to all of you.
    Mom & Baba

  2. Great to be back enjoying the college life... made better with no exams!!!
