Monday, January 14, 2013

Still making our way...

It's our 6th day on the ship and things are going smoothly. The boys are settling into their routine and are finding time to make new friends. It seems both have opted to hang out with the college kids rather than the handful who are around their own age. Some sort of peer weirdness, I'm sure. Ben told me that he made a new friend yesterday...
"Oh yeah? What's his name?"
"HER name is Kirstin. "
"You know you have a 9:00 curfew!"

Chris and I attended a cocktail party for the LLLs and met a very interesting couple, Donna and Jim. They are probability in their early 70's, retired and have been traveling the country in an RV for the past 20 years! They hiked the entire Appalachian Trail and when I thought I could contribute to the conversation, I was shut down unable to answer some simple questions. Their memory of the trail and the names of all the routes is amazing! I could not even tell them which trailhead I started on. I don't think I convinced them that I'd actually hiked 30 miles. I had "imposter/dunce" plastered onto forehead...

Jeremy and I caught our first glimpse of Archbishop Desmond Tutu who is on board with us. A very intriguing figure who probably hasn't had a moment to himself since he got on board. What do you even say to such a man? I am completely humbled to just be in his presence.

The sun has finally come out today and the air is warm. Chris and I are sitting by the pool which they are getting ready to fill. We port in Hawaii tomorrow for 2 days. Looking forward to putting my feet on solid ground ; )


  1. That is surely an experience for Jeremy. So, how old is Kristin? That is a nice picture of all of you meditating. Are you sure those 70's couple are not imagining what they are telling you? It would be interesting what they will do next. Not too far from Hilo. I am sure that Russell is all ready for all of you. Be safe. Love you all.

  2. One unforgettable experience after another... the trip is already paying off in ways unimaginable!
