Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hilo, Hawaii

Jan 15

We woke up bright and early for the docking of the ship in Hilo, Hawaii. I actually woke up an hour earlier than when I'd set the alarm. Probably just from the excitement of reaching our first port or the thought of Mother Earth finally beneath my feet.

The ship slowly pulled into port and was met by the Pilot from Hilo who boarded and advised our captain on maneuvering his home waters as well as the frolicking whales!

We ate a quick breakfast and headed to our cabin for our bags. We were suddenly detained due to a random cabin inspection by the US Customs Police! I blame Jeremy as he always seems to be the one to get pulled aside for that "little extra" pat down. They separated Chris and I and questioned us each about the purpose of our trip. Then we got some of the regular questions you'd get from the TSA at Hartsfield. They "rummaged" through both cabins and as passengers walked by, I felt the need to explain that we were RANDOMLY selected! We are not bad people! Fortunately, we got the "all clear" : )

SAS has the immigration thing down to a science and herded the 900+ people going ashore through an assembly line. All was looking bright until they got to my husband...The Real Chris Smith. It's seems there are quite a few others of the same name and several have a rap sheet that mine had to explain did not belong to him. Detained once again for something we didn't do.

Onward! Arrived ashore and Russell, Chris' brother who lives on the Big Island, took us on the whirlwind tour of Hilo including Akaka Falls and Waipiʻo Valley. Amazing sights, both of them, despite the drizzle and fog. But the weather didn't stop us! We even hit a local fruit stand for a sampling of fresh coconut and sugar cane.

We are off to dinner soon in Pāhoa, where Russell lives and rented a house for us tonight. It has a view of the pacific and sits amid a bed of 50 year old lava.


  1. Off to a great start :) Nice to see Russell in his natural habitat!

  2. Yeah, baby! Lookin' good! Uncle Russell's an islander now... not bad for an haole!! Enjoy the island!

  3. I can totally see you explaining to everyone about the random search.

  4. Random search, you lucky family. Russell, leave it to you to entertain your extended family. Happy to see that you all ( except Belinda)are all in smiles. Ben has to do the unique post. Nice one Ben. I miss all of you guys. Be Safe.

  5. Remind Jer to write something in his journal what he was thinkig about in that picture, just staring at the water. Such a good kid. Tell both of them that I miss them. Luv you all!
