Friday, March 15, 2013

Neptune Day

The practice of " crossing the line" is a ceremony that commemorates a person's first crossing of the equator by ship. Those who have already crossed are nicknamed "Shellbacks" and those who have not are called " Pollywogs". The day a ship crosses the equator is referred to as " Neptune Day". The ceremony features King Neptune, Queen Minerva and a court of Shellbacks.

The event is a ritual that dates back to the early 1800's in which the shipboard crew indoctrinate the slimy Pollywogs into the mysteries of the deep.

Pollywogs are summoned before King Neptune, interrogated and asked to recite a poem regarding their worthiness. Pollywogs are then commanded to perform a series of tasks in order to be anointed as a proper Shellback. Oftentimes, as a matter of true respect for the sea, some Pollywogs visit the "royal barbers" to shave their heads in celebratory gesture.

Today is Neptune Day on the MVExplorer. Pictures forthcoming...YIKES! ; )

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1 comment:

  1. I hope that none of the boys shaved their heads!!! I am glad that you are part pf this experience.
